
1TASK A4 Landscape Single Fold

TASK is an ERASMUS + project aimed at developing a set of didactic approaches and strategies together with a web application for the assessment of Key Competences in the lower/upper secondary school in order to certificate them with national formats.

TASK project aims to support teachers through the development of a methodology for the assessment of Key Competences in order to certificate them with national formats, starting from the exploitation and adaptation of the VINTAGE model (VINTAGE – online tool for self eValuatIoN of key competences in adulT AGE – 527349-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP www.vintage.euproject.org).

Designed, tested and validated in a Grundtvig project of the Lifelong Learning Programme (adult education field), the VINTAGE model is characterized as an authentic, self-reflective, proactive and anchored to the context assessment methodology; the project has developed an online tool based on the model that allows the user to self-evaluate his Key Competences (www.learningcom.it/vintage)

The TASK methodology will integrate a framework for the self-assessment of Key Competences in the lower/upper secondary school, a web application for the self-assessment and the a set of didactic approaches and strategies for teachers aimed to support them in the application of the procedure (Guidelines). The TASK web application, that will supply a logical interactive path for the self-assessment of the Key Competences in the school context, supported by a web interface.

Currently Key Competences are implemented in the school field with three relevant remarks:

1. despite still no European country has completed a full transition to education competence based, have been launched several initiatives and experiments in the direction of the visibility and recognition of Key Competences;
2. the construction of a school based on Key Competences requires the adoption of new approaches, policies and tools to plan paths, assess and certify the competences;
3. it is necessary that teachers use methodologies and tools for an authentic assessment of Key Competences for both formative and final evaluation.

Now the main challenge is the assessment of Key Competences.

Read and download the TASK brochure:







TASK brochure EN

Click on the image to enlarge it


Expected results

TASK project will:

  • implement a repertoire of the assessment approaches and the certification procedures/models in the partners’ countries to compose a synthetic frame that will help to define common criteria and rules to implement TASK methodology;

  • introduce in schools a methodology not exclusively limited to the assessment practice, but also involving the teaching and learning approaches.

In this sense, TASK methodology will represent:

  • an approach for the self-assessment of Key Competences

  • an instrument for the assessment of Key Competences for their certification: teachers will use it as an integrated approach to assess, recognize the students’ Key Competences and then certificate them with the standard procedures an model adopted by the school system

  • a learning process, as a procedural and formative assessment approach;

  • a social and collaborative approach: the “self-” dimensions does not means “exclusively on his own”. It brings into play the self-awareness and the meta-competences of learners, and carries out its most important potential in the social practice. As already highlighted in the results of the piloting of the Vintage model at a European level, this methodology can be effectively used in diads, small groups and classrooms; it can stimulate and foster self-assessment, peer-assessment and group-assessment processes. In this process the teacher has the role of guide, coordinator, scaffolder, supporting the development of a new awareness in students.

  • develop a network of key actors that will, in turn, raise awareness at the policy making level; generate a robust impact; valorise a multiplier TASK impact, new projects, initiatives, networks.




The project is carried out by a transnational consortium with partners coming from Italy, Belgium, France, Spain and Turkey:

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IISS MAJORANA, Project Applicant, has a strong expertise in school innovation and is a recognized national and European reference point for neweducational approaches and active use of new technologies in school. Since 2012 the Institute has substituted the traditional textbooks with OER created by teachers and students.



EUN PARTNERSHIP AISBL is a network of 31 European Ministries of education, aimed to bring innovation in teaching and learning. It has realized the project KeyCoNet, a European Policy network on the implementation of Key Competences development in school education.


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LEARNING COMMUNITY Independent Research Institute has a strong expertise in educational research and experimentation focusing on e-learning approaches and methodologies, didactic use of social networks and social media, learning personalization for adults, elderly and people with special educational needs, innovative models of evaluation and assessment, validation and certification of informal/non formal learning, research on competences; has coordinated Vintage project that is the starting point of TASK project idea.



ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO BOZZANO has created a work group and began to reflect on the content of the Ministry of Education’s Document “Indicazioni Nazionali per il Curricolo della scuola dell’infanzia e del primo ciclo 2012” and made a prototype of vertical curriculum including Nursery – Primary –Secondary Lower School, based on the competencies provided in the Document.



MERKEZ ATATURK ORTAOKULU is a newcomer in this action and is interested in the experimentation and the adoption of new assessment methodologies and instruments in order to anticipate the need for the assessment and certification of Key Competence in the school system.


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COLLEGE DROUYN has been implementing a pedagogical project on competence-based teaching and evaluation. The pedagogical team has carried out an analysis of competences to implement and certify the acquisition of the core curriculum of knowledge and competences.


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IES RIBEIRA, secondary education school which provides general education, vocational training and adult education courses, has a wide experience in implementing European research and mobility projects and has participated, both as promoter/coordinator and partner, in different projects under Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Programme, Interreg and other national projects.
